Tag Archives: intimacy

A little bit of me

Yesterday I posted my 42nd blog post in just 6 months! I shared articles & posts that have moved me; I have shared a part of me – an intimate look into my life, personal thoughts, my trials & tribulations – not because I want to be a top notch blogger and want hundreds of followers, but because I know that there are so many who can relate in more ways than none!

I share because we (women) don’t often seek help or advice when things get tough – why?

Because we got it under control! Because we justify all that is going wrong!
Because we look for the good in all that is wrong!
Because we are groomed to be grateful for what “we” have cuz the grass isn’t always greener on the other side!
Because we are suppose to be strong and put together when we are at our lowest and broken!

I received emails & texts from both women & men who have either been inspired, who had an “aha” moment or simply to say thank you for sharing and making them laugh!

Truth be told that while there is comfort & eternal gratitude for the acknowledgments – I write because it provides “me” with an outlet (a safe haven if you will) when I feel all the above.

No shame in my hustle, my ups & downs, my emotions, my posts about me – this is me and because I Love “me” first, I no longer need approval to write and share what I feel!!

Ladies & gentlemen – it’s so important to seek help when needed, to talk about the tough times, to share both your struggles & accomplishments – just share!!

I take great comfort in knowing that because someone read my posts, they took a stand in their relationship; spoke to a loved one about their feelings or are seeking to rebuild & redefine themselves, or laughed a little and/or cried a little with me.

We need to live and share in community (but hands off my hubby – he is mine…lol)…

But seriously – my good friend & confidant/therapist told me to share – it can be the best form of medicine…..he was so freaking right!!

Whether or not I’ve had the chance to meet you, speak with you or know you – just know that I am thankful for your existence! You are beautiful and so worthy!

Love you first my friend!!

I was a cute little girl in my welitas house! A sloppy eater but cute! 🙂
