Tag Archives: element of surprise

Living outside your comfort zone…

“You live only when you’re living outside your comfort zone!”

A friend of mine recently posted a quote (paraphrased above) and I immediately had an “aha” moment!

I thought this was so on point – at least for me! I find that when I’m not challenging myself, my thoughts, my movements, my work, my children, then I am purely living within my comfort zone; leaving me with a sense of emptiness, a lack of fulfillment and excitement if you will!

Yet, when I’m pushing myself, working, thinking & loving outside of boundaries – it is then when I am most happiest!

Now, most people will tell you that living within boundaries is safe, secure, and the outcomes are almost always known! This is perhaps true… But who really wants to live a life when you know what the end result will be?

Call me a daredevil…

Like a palm tree, I am resilient, nimble & can overcome all that comes my way!

I’m all for surprises….
